Mac House

not scandalous, just weird

Monday, September 29, 2003

ok. i've read about all your adventures. and i wait anxiously to hear about how stephanie's surgery went.

my life is completely insane. completely.

i sorta kinda woke up with a boy in my bed (in joe's guest room, mind you) on saturday morning. his name is paxton. he just graduated from george mason university. and he ended up being very talky (bad). that didn't stop joe from making us all pancakes though. i'm glad i'm not awkward in those situations.

what else? i shaved my head again. yup. i'm a badass. so i scowl a lot. and moisturize. several of the other rhodents have asked if i play football. or if i'm mean. one told me i radiate happiness. i'm bad at scowling.

i hope everyone's CDs have arrived by now.

last night we had a dinner party thing at this ridiculous house in great falls, virginia. imagine 10,000 square feet of martha stewart madness. i spent about an hour talking to lord waldegrave of north hill (i think that's it...don't these people have first names). we discussed my thesis and his family's marrying habits in the 18th century. weird.

all the other scholars seem pretty darn cool. a girl named somjen from cornell is particularly fun. some cuties. some very not so much. the girl from howard is great. she wants to go out dancing tonight. i'm exhausted, though. ok. gotta go lunch at the capitol now. i don't like being all dressed up all the time. cheers.


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