Mac House

not scandalous, just weird

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

hello, hello!

happy flying home day bern. and shannon i'm sorry i didn't call last night. it was late, we were tired, a phone didn't seem to be in near proximity.

now bubba is making pancakes and suz and i are lounging in the House house. it's been lovely, but shortlived. we must get back in a car soon, but we're heading for banff and what can beat that? i do miss you all though, and am struggling with reinventing myself. who am i without the context of jvc? hmm. i think i'll figure that one out pretty soon, but without you guys...? ok, i'm getting a bit sappy, so i'll stop.

i'm excited to get on the road and explore new territory. i am looking ever so forward to chicago and seeing friends, and whatever else comes about. i'll post more and update on my travels when i get internet again. it may be awhile. i'll call when we get back in the states too.

love you all, jules


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