the lazarus of blogs
anyone else remember that scene in lamb in which jesus raises lazarus from the dead, but he's kinda stinky, and biff remains unimpressed? me too.
confession: at this very moment, i'm using the blog to avoid doing my work. i'm meeting with my supervisor tomorrow at noon to submit the 3rd body chapter (of 6) of my dissertation. only problem is that the dang thing is only about a quarter done. so my plan is to take care of other things, and then just give him the section that's written with a detailed outline of the rest of the chapter. maybe that will trick him into thinking i'm a conscientious and responsible graduate student. HA HA HA.
anyway, then wednesday morning i'm getting up at 4 am to get a taxi to get a bus to get a plane to st louis, MO for my friend brandon's wedding. i'm best man and haven't written my toast yet. i wish you were here, shannon, to help me.
the whole trip to the middle of the country would be less amusing if i weren't dragging a model yacht along with me. one of my dad's friends collects, yup, model yachts. he bought one on Ebay and asked me if i wouldn't mind bringing it back to the US for him. thinking it was the size of, say, a large squirrel or small dog, i said it would be no problem.
the model yacht arrived last week. the box it's in is 55"×18"×18". yes. that's big enough for me to fit into it if i bend my knees a little. and it weights about 60 lbs. now imagine me dragging that and a wheely bag through the two busiest airports in the world. oh, that's right: i'm flying from heathrow through o'hare to st louis. i love my life.
i do wish i'd scheduled a couple days in chicago, though. it would be great to see bern.
ok: enough typing. time
love you all. see you soon?
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