Mac House

not scandalous, just weird

Friday, September 09, 2005

this is just sad

two birthdays have come and gone, and no one has updated. i'm sure a few people are still checking it occasionally, because i get hits to my website from here every now and then. and since i'm as bad about writing as anyone, i thought i'd break the silence...

so i'm back in oxford for one more year. i'm a tad homesick and a little apprehensive about the upcoming year (term doesn't start for 4 weeks still) since literally ALL my friends finished last june. which means i have to make new friends. or i could just read and knit a LOT.

i'm also beginning to think about what to do after i finish. as of now, my theory is this: i'll apply for jobs in the following cities: london, new york, washington and seattle. there will be a variety of industries: NGOs, publishers, businesses (gasp). really, i just want a job. i need some real skills, so that someday i can get another job that will eventually lead me to what i've decided is my true vocation: organic goat farming on the oregon coast. i'll subcontract out the actual farming, though, so that i can just hang out with the goats and read a lot. come visit.

in other news, jack is living in london and i'm living in oxford. which sucks. i remember why i hate long distance relationships. it's only 2 hours, but it might as well be 3 days. it's just a hassle to set up times to see one another. sigh.

i now demand updates from other mac housers. i hope the end of the summer was good to each of you.

love you tons,


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