Happy New Year!
Hello! To those I haven't spoken to yet, I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year, and i wanted to put the first post of the new year up on the blog. I hope you all had a great holiday. I can't wait to hear about it, and i can't wait even more to see you all this summer. I've been scouting places out for us to explore (Shannon even helped when she was in town). And in just the past few days i have found out two very exciting things. One, there is an all you can eat sushi restaurant that has $13 lunch. it's in the burbs, but it's all you can eat sushi!!!!
even more exciting is my second discovery- Milk Stout. i had a couple last night at a little place called sunset grill (although sometimes i call it sunrise, but i'm pretty sure it's sunset). i can't wait to eat some chocolate chips and throw back one or two with you all this summer (but not on the power out night).
Talk to you all soon.
Love, J
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