Mac House

not scandalous, just weird

Sunday, January 29, 2006

another new year

hello my friends, and welcome to the year of the dog. according to the new york times, it's the best year to get married.

i haven't actually read that article. nor do i plan to. but, you know, i'm encouraging mac house weddings now, because i miss you all and i wish i got to see you more often. stupid atlantic ocean. stupid expensive flights. stupid having to pay rent. suffice to say i wish you all a fabulous, year of dogging.

i'm in the process of writing my LAST chapter. ok: the introduction and conclusion still have to be written, and everything needs major editing, but i'm still excited like nobody's business. very excited, and only mildly hung over from the chinese new year party last night.

i've still had no luck finding a job. this is tough. and no fun. i just want a job. in london. where they'll sponsor me for a work visa. is that too much to ask? apparently.

it's bright and cold in oxford today. i hope it's warmer and cloudier where you all are.

oh, and on the topic of the boston reunion: my preferrence is that it be either in the first half of july (not the weekend of the 14th-16th, because i have a wedding) or in the first half of august. sometime in the latter half of july, i'll probably be heading back to england, but it's probably easier to get from london to boston than from spokane to boston. go figure.

ok. enough from me for now. love you all.



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