here's a letter that was printed in the spokane paper today: Homeless need to help themselves
"A homeless shelter is shut down. Dozens of homeless people are put onto the street. My question is, why are they there? Drugs, alcohol, not paying bills, too lazy to work _ and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them?
Homeless woman Kimberly McGowan says, "If you don't want us on the street, donate a building so we aren't on the street.'' Billions of our tax dollars go to social programs every year. As an honest, law-abiding citizen, haven't we done enough?
Here's a thought, why don't they get off drugs, find a job and stop mooching off of me! My family struggles to get by every month, because so much of our hard earned money is going to people like them! Enough is enough.
Kelly Howser"
so infuriated. i wrote a scathing response. i hope they print it.
in other news, i have a little christmas gift for each of you, but i
need your postal addresses. i know we played this game once before, but i don't remember when. so if y'each could drop me
an email by clicking here i would appreciate it greatly. besides, no address = i eat your present myself.
or something.
ok. i'm gonna go take a shower. merry christmas. i miss you all.