Mac House

not scandalous, just weird

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

ok, well, tell me a weekend, and i'll work my travelling plans around it. i want to see you all. july is flexible for me.

Monday, April 26, 2004

just to be difficult...

my term doesn't end until the 20th of june, after which i'll be in spokane for two weeks. so i won't be free for travel fun until after the 2nd weekend in july. but anytime after that, i'm cool.


more soon...

Sunday, April 25, 2004

hey all.

just a little update, as i haven't talked to everyone in a while. portland was great. thank everyone for making it great, but as s and g said, b and a were greatly missed.

i think you have all heard by now that i am heading to brandeis in the fall, so that means i'm leaving chicago at the end of june. until then, i am now a working girl m-f, just a working girl, not a prostitute, but my hours are not the greatest. i work 2pm-10pm, which essentially means that i get up, have a full day, and then go to work and am tired and don't really want to be there. it's rough and i really hate the way the shelter is run right now, but it's only two more months, and i do have a few vacation days i can take between then and now, and i love having weekends free. this morning meghanne, bern and i got up super early and went out to run a 5k. we ran into a couple FJV's we met from a potluck in chicago a couple months ago and had brunch with them. look at us being social! oh, and more on the social front, we had a little barbecue in the rain last night and katie arnold came! it was wonderful seeing her. bern and i hope to see more of her.

so, my plans in july are still to travel. i'm not sure right now if i'm going to drive south immediately, or if i'll go home and then travel. i'm still waiting on word regarding travelling companions. anyone, anyone?

oh, and what's going on about a reunion. bern and i are more than happy to host one here. let's pick a weekend in june that's not the first one and let's make it happen. there is one weekend where there is a ben fold's and rufus wainright(sp?) concert that's $10 with outdoor seating. so let's talk dates people.

love you all,

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

ok. i'm so jealous of all of you.

in other news, i'm addicted to several blogs. some political, but that's not what this post is about.

first: in a nod to the memory of julie's door at mac house, i link you to this wonkette story.

ok, but yeah. this brings me to my plan. wonkette is the dc/political version of a new york gossip blog called gawker.

perhaps you can see where this is going: my new dream is to create a london version of gawker, mixing the society gossip of the new york original with the catty politcal commentary of wonkette. chances of actually happening? slim to none, as i become daily more stressed about my MSt dissertation. may god have mercy on my soul.

over and out.
