Mac House

not scandalous, just weird

Monday, February 28, 2005

no hotdogs in oxford

well, maybe they exist, but they don't seem to be featured in stores. and they're certainly not on the streets. sad day.

i can't believe it's march tomorrow. i imagine shannon will join me in wondering "how the hell am i halfway done with this degree thing?" oxford is boring. i'm extra boring. i've given up alcohol for lent. i've also proved completely incapable of finding a summer job, so i think i'm gonna spend the summer taking naps in spokane. joy.

this is all very fractured. i'm exhausted and about to fall asleep, but i wanted to point you all toward this article from today's new york times. nothing earth shattering, but it's always nice to be reminded of the little ways in which we shape the world. especially by a former labor secretary. i particularly liked the following passage:

"The fact is, today's economy offers us a Faustian bargain: it can give consumers deals largely because it hammers workers and communities. We can blame big corporations, but we're mostly making this bargain with ourselves. The easier it is for us to get great deals, the stronger the downward pressure on wages and benefits. Last year, the real wages of hourly workers, who make up about 80 percent of the work force, actually dropped for the first time in more than a decade; hourly workers' health and pension benefits are in free fall. The easier it is for us to find better professional services, the harder professionals have to hustle to attract and keep clients. The more efficiently we can summon products from anywhere on the globe, the more stress we put on our own communities."

anyway, i miss you all. is it july yet? can't wait to see you!


Monday, February 21, 2005

Hot dogs in Vancouver!

Just a quick note to let you know that as we were driving up to whistler from the vancouver airport, our driver agreed to stop at a hot dog stand!!!! mmm, mmm, mmm. delicious. the start to a wonderful vacation. i was thinking of you all. skiing has been great so far, and i'm beat. this seems like a great place for reunion 2010.

more later.
love, j

Friday, February 18, 2005

Going West

I'm off to Vancouver for the week. I actually won't be there until tomorrow, but i just wanted to drop a short note to say farewell and that i'll be thinking of you all often.


Thursday, February 03, 2005

your math is horrible

what are they teaching you over there in england bubba? your math is horrible. a 50/50 chance? bah! perhaps a 20/20/20/20/20 chance?

i also just wanted to blog about satchel. he's great! always thinking about the womyn.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

MIA: bubba

can we talk for a second about how funny satchel is? i just love that dog.

in other news, this isn't a proper report on how i've been. i've been crazy and not very good at managing my time. i miss you all, though.

there's a 50/50 chance i'll be in one of the following cities for most of the summer: washington, new york, boston, chicago, san francisco. more on that later. and more generally later.

until then, much love,