Mac House

not scandalous, just weird

Thursday, March 09, 2006

sad day

greg-o, sorry to hear about kelly's brother. that's so sad. and really makes my intended blog to complain about my roommateless situation (she's on vacation and i'm bored/lonely) seem completely out of place now. so, instead i'll just post a quick "i miss you and love you all." can't wait 'til august.

love, j

Monday, March 06, 2006

in like a lion

wow, Greg-o! that's so grown up of you! any more news now? post photos if/when you buy it! i have successfully avoided anything other than camomile tea for the past 5 days. and a jesuit is buying me dinner next monday. i'm getting back to my JVC roots (aka i'm totally broke until i get my next paycheck on the 1st of april).

i had the pleasure of talking to julie on the phone on sunday. or maybe saturday. it all blurs together. it's the last week of our term here. i have an oral exam on friday (eek) to determine whether i'm allowed to stay a doctoral student. hopfully i'll pass. then i'm spending a week with jack in london before heading home to spokane for a month starting on 20th december.

in the mean time, i'm doing lots of work and trying desperately to find a job. i had an interview with a certain well-known and well-loved search engine last wednesday. for a european PR job. i thought it went well. they said i'd have to learn some languages. total job perk. and they give their UK employees 5 weeks of vacation a year. hurrah! i also have an interview for a summer internship in LA next week in london.

finally, i'd like to point out the recent set of classic get fuzzies in the tear away calendars...generous and gefilthy (which someone suggested is related to gefilte fish, a possibility i hadn't considered) on saturday and mmmmmmonkeys today. mmmm mmm good.

ok. i've rambled long enough. i hope everyone is well. i'm already counting down the days until mac house reunion 2006...literally: it's 158.

ok. love you all!