Mac House

not scandalous, just weird

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

oh hurrah

just a quick post because i'm late for coffee.

1)it sounds like greg is the only one who escaped the "end of the summer" relationship syndrome. jack "i think i need a break"ed me last friday. i'm not entirely sure what that means, since our phone conversations have, if anything, increased in frequency and quality since then. confusing. on the plus side: i get to make out with the freshers (new student orientation begins on monday). hold on to you hats.

2)greg: she sounds great, and while i didn't really need to know about her rack, i did just inform you all that i plan to scam on confused 18 year olds next week. so it's all fair.

3)i can hardly say how happy i am that y'all decided to start posting again. i miss you guys tons, and it is always a great pleasure to hear how you're doing.

4)julie, it was very sweet of you to send me pictures of oliver. oh how i need a dog. and the responsibility to care for a dog. all in good time.

5)shannon, you are very lucky to have a birthday present like the goblet of fire. the preview makes it look fantastic. and at least your interest in the movie release preceeding your birthday is rather selfless: brokeback mountain comes out (ha) the day before my birthday. and while i loved the novella--which is heartbreaking--i'm mostly excited to see Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal dressed up as cowboys and making out.

6)why did i number my paragraphs?

7)i'm with you julie. maybe darby has some massive writers' block, but these cat facts have to go. in related news, i still prefer being compared to satchel for my love of cheese:

but i thought this get fuzzy was brilliant:

8)ok. this wasn't a short note. must run.

9)love you all! xoxo

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

the blog is back to let you know it can really shake it now (if any of you get this title you win!)

ok, what's the deal with get fuzzy? i hate cats. stupid cat facts!

Friday, September 23, 2005

and yet more hope arises...

hello! wow! i am finally at the end of a long week and after lunch and a nap i feel like i'm finally coming up for air. how are you all? let me see what hope i can instill in you all. i'll start with the not so good and try to lean toward the good...

so, i was "dumped" last week, but i didn't realize i was even in a relationship. alas, it was the least harsh "break up" i've ever experienced, generally because the basis of tim and my conversation centered around his 14 hour work days, some of which begin at 1 in the morning. so, i'm not taking this one personally, i'm chalking it up to shitty life timing. i talked to him a couple days ago, and it doesn't actually seem like much has changed between us. so that's good right?

i'm finally doing most of my course work, so this is also good, and i'll be in boston this weekend so hopefully i'll actually do things to prepare for next week. i taught my section today, which is still a bit of a struggle for me, but i really like the students and am encouraged by some of their hatred of the capitalist system.

we're having a party this weekend which i am also excited about. i'm trying to encourage some people to crash in our apartment already so that i can cook breakfast for them. can i make smancakes without you all or does that violate some machouse code? maybe i'll just stick with eggs and monkey bread.

so that's about it here. to recap-not much of a love, work, work....the weekend is here.

i miss you all and would give anything to cook you all smancakes sunday morning. but what am i saying? s and a are our smancake cookers. i guess i would give anything to eat their smancakes sunday morning. does that sound dirty? i didn't intend it to.

love, j

Friday, September 09, 2005

this is just sad

two birthdays have come and gone, and no one has updated. i'm sure a few people are still checking it occasionally, because i get hits to my website from here every now and then. and since i'm as bad about writing as anyone, i thought i'd break the silence...

so i'm back in oxford for one more year. i'm a tad homesick and a little apprehensive about the upcoming year (term doesn't start for 4 weeks still) since literally ALL my friends finished last june. which means i have to make new friends. or i could just read and knit a LOT.

i'm also beginning to think about what to do after i finish. as of now, my theory is this: i'll apply for jobs in the following cities: london, new york, washington and seattle. there will be a variety of industries: NGOs, publishers, businesses (gasp). really, i just want a job. i need some real skills, so that someday i can get another job that will eventually lead me to what i've decided is my true vocation: organic goat farming on the oregon coast. i'll subcontract out the actual farming, though, so that i can just hang out with the goats and read a lot. come visit.

in other news, jack is living in london and i'm living in oxford. which sucks. i remember why i hate long distance relationships. it's only 2 hours, but it might as well be 3 days. it's just a hassle to set up times to see one another. sigh.

i now demand updates from other mac housers. i hope the end of the summer was good to each of you.

love you tons,